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           My name's Tyler. I'm an artist and writer who is obsessed with different languages and cultures. My artworks and writings are better than most people's my age. With those skills, I plan to travel the world, learning as much as I can about foreign places, documenting, painting, and selling my works along the way. I want to learn many languages, such as Japanese, French, Norwegian, Dutch, etc. People see me as mature, creative, and flexible.

          I'm an honors student at Perkiomen Valley High School. Not only that, but I also do sports for the school: water polo, swimming, and track. In other words, I have a balanced set of abilities. Being a student athlete, I've learned to manage my time; I never stress about any of my work because I go about completing it responsibly.

          Art has always been at the forefront of my life. The artist gene is spread throughout my family. I take inspiration from many experiences I go through and many artists as well. As a creator, you're a sponge, absorbing every detail and storing it for later use. I can be expressive with my works, portraying an idea or atmosphere of a place. Though only paintings flesh out my portfolio currently, I would love to move onto other aspects of art like graphic design, film, photography, and animation.

          My goals are vague. Like me, they're flexible. When I leave school and enter the big, wide world, I want to see where it takes me. College is something I've always planned for, yet where I'll go, I'm not sure. Before I make that decision, I need to further educate myself on the earth and the people and places in it so I can make a logical choice as to where I should study (for a start, Japan has always intrigued me). That's what this blog is for: to explore. I long to open my eyes to new and strange places and topics. To do this, I need to research, write, paint, and post.

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