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Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Thought-Jot (I think that's what I'm calling this)

For just a short “thought-jot” (or whatever), the timeless works of William Shakespeare help define how and why we live our lives the way we do, even at only a basic level. I’ve never read or seen Romeo and Juliet, but the values and themes sort of weave their way into my life one way or another. Even that gnome film based on Romeo and Juliet had some insightful messages (I know, right? Gnomes?). Either way, a topic surrounding the story is love. In fact, the events in the story happen because of love. The accident of Romeo and Juliet finding each other was a happy but ultimately a sad one. It makes me ponder some accidents in my life.

We like to stay positive, and I can’t really think of any “bad” accidents in my life, so I’m going to go with a good one: Japanese funk. I know, hold onto your seat before you spazz at the genre of music. But, honestly, 80’s Japanese funk music is so warming and fun to listen to; it’s almost nostalgic (more posts on Japanese funk coming your way soon). It’s been making me vibe out all year, and the only reason I found out about it was because of me stumbling into my Youtube recommendations, finding a song from Mariya Takeuchi (“Plastic Love”). This completely opened my world to all the city pop, funk, whatever you want to call it.

I think to say it was “fate” might be going a little too far. I mean, there’s been a wave of Japanese funk riding through Youtube the past year, so I probably would have found the music one way or another. Some factors were out of my control, but it came down to my decision to “accidentally” click the video.

Maybe that holds true for Romeo and Juliet as well. There are controllable and uncontrollable factors in everyone’s life, so acting in situations you can control could change an outcome of something you can't control (if that made sense). I guess I’ll find out if I get around to reading the play…

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